MadameNoire.com Reviews Empress Curls...
{As seen on MadameNoire.com}
Four months ago I did a big chop which, though traumatizing at first, I’ve actually come to really love. Still, the hair lover in me missed having a lot strands on my head and with the winter months finally arriving I knew a wash n’ go wouldn’t be a go for much longer, lest I want to catch the flu, so I reached out to Nubian Hair Oasis about trying one of their lines.
Having rocked a curly weave for the first time two summers ago, I wanted to kick my look up a notch this go ’round with longer locks and more volume so I had two-and-a-half 16-inch bundles of the kinky curly virgin hair installed (the last time the hair was only 12 inches). During the install I was nervous because I didn’t want my look going from a little ‘fro to a big mane of hair to be too dramatic, but my stylist assured me I wasn’t going to be walking around the streets of New York City looking like Diana Ross circa 1972 so I let her go ahead and put more than two bundles in — and she saved half of the third bundle just to make sure I wouldn’t freak out at the difference.
At the end of the two-hour install I was...
Read the full review here: http://madamenoire.com/609185/she-tried-it-nubian-hair-oasis-empress-curl-extensions/